Traditional Playing of the Anthem(s)
before the game
I've decided that I'm old. There I've admitted it! I guess the first step in solving a problem, is admitting that you have one, but I'm really stymied as how I'm going to solve this one. My problem? Well there are aspects of modern society that seem to elude my understanding. Let me explain.
I realise that time does not stand still, that society is an ever evolving entity. I also understand that each generation creates and recreates their own reality, genres and concepts. See, so far I sound pretty hip! I know that fashion is fickle; as is what's trendy in food and restaurants; plus music and art will constantly reinvent themselves in the name of progress. Overall it seems that I have good grasp on society and its evolution, plus I accept that that there are some things I simply won't like, even though they're perfectly acceptable to other people. This is somewhat like the fact that I don't like peas, though other enjoy them thoroughly.
Some things I don't like per say, but don't thing detract from the greater good of society:
- a need to reveal your underwear, while the crotch of your pants reaches your knees, more than looking ridiculous, it looks uncomfortable
- a need to talk loudly and publicly on your cell phone - believe me, I'm attached to my iPhone, but am under no delusions that my conversations, as scintillating as they might be to me, have any bearings on the people around me
- twitter - I'm trying, I even have a twitter account, but it reminds of the CB craze, when people tried to speak in a vernacular and ended up just sounding inane
- obsession with celebrity - whether it be for film, sports or politics, they neither deserve the respect nor the income that they garner
- reality TV - see above
When I look back over that list, I even sound old to me. I don't get it, but I don't think any of the above mentioned items really detract from the greater good of myself or the world around me. They're simply like a mosquito buzzing around your head when the lights go off - more annoying than threatening.
What I really don't get is people not standing and/or removing their head gear for the anthem. Now before you jump all over me, I know there are religions, such as Jehovah Witness that don't do either. Believe me, I was a teacher in the public school system, I respect their right to practice their beliefs.
Yet the last time I was at the Marlies' game or before that, the Legends' game or before that, the Leaf's game, I saw an inordinate amount of people not removing their headgear for the anthem, but they were standing. Thus if they were Jehovah Witness, they would not be standing. What I don't get, is why so many young men (mostly under the age of 30) choose not to remove their headgear during the anthem. Before the anthem is played the announcer comes over the PA system and announces who's singing the anthem and to please remove all headgear.
Maybe it's because I'm old, that I can remember the Lord's Prayer being said each day in school. As the ethnic and religious make up of the schools changed, I agreed that the Lord's Prayer had no role in a secular setting. I guess I always viewed the playing of the anthem in the school and at public events as an affirmation of all that our country offers us, plus a chance to respect those who defended this country, thus insuring the rights and freedoms that we enjoy today.
Traditions change, society changes, wearing white after labour day is now OK, gay marriage may raise an eyebrow or two, yet it has found acceptance overall. I get it, overall I really like the way the world is going, but the next time you're at a hockey game and the anthem is playing, remove your headgear, cause if you don't, the lady behind you may do if for you (nah, probably not, but she'll be thinking about it).
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