Friday, March 18, 2011

Weight Loss #11

Weight to Lose:                 30 lbs

Weight Lost to Date          17 lbs

Weight Still to Lose:          13 lbs

I haven't weighed myself in a few days, because the last time I did I was up 5 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!  You know things are tough, when you're trying to comfort yourself with the idea that maybe I just have a 5 lb tumour.  I know there can be a lot of factors in play here and I'm trying not to let it get me down.  I'm sticking with the original plan of eating healthily, eating moderately and working out on a regular basis.

I'm at the gym either four or five days per week.  Half an hour of cardio at 80% max heart rate.  I alternate jogging on the treadmill and the stationary bike.  I can now jog for a half an hour at 4.2 mph and next week I kick it up to 4.5 mph.  On the bike I'm still doing the hill program at level 11, I tried moving up to level 12, but found it too hard to keep my RPM up.  At the end of both programs I'm a sweaty mess, which actually feels good.

I have added situps on the incline bench.  I'm now up to 35 each day and next week it'll go to 40 (once I'm at 50, I'll add some twists).  I've moved up on my weights for my arms and legs, so the weight training is going well.

I will do this!

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