Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolutions for a Hockey New Year

A little (who am I kidding ?) ... a lot of this
Not enough of this

I just got back from a week of pure indulgence at an all inclusive resort in Mexico.   It was sheer bliss leaving behind the chaos of Christmas, along with the dreary cold weather, and heading off to a warmer climate.  For those of you who've been to an all inclusive resort before, you know that it includes all the food and liquor that you can consume.  The resort that we stayed at had 8 restaurants and 5 bars so opportunity to over indulge was ever present, and as Oscar Wilde once said "'I can resist anything, but temptation."  To be honest, I really didn't try to resist much.  I didn't over indulge in the liquor end of things, not due to any sense of the enjoyment of sobriety, but more due to the fact that I'm a terrible drunk.  If I drink too much, I get depressed, cry, then throw up - this has been learned the long and hard way, so while I still like a drink or two (or three), I know when to say when.  Also we were travelling with my two step kids and mother in law; not a group whose presence you want to throw up in!

All in all the week was simply a capping off of a year that included too much indulgence.  I'm starting to notice that as I approach menopause, it takes far more effort to lose weight and to keep it off.  I need to learn to eat smarter and truth be told, I need to exercise more.  This past month with my broken butt, I haven't been able to exercise at all, even my twice weekly hockey games had to stop; add to that all the holiday goodies and you've to a recipe for disaster!  While we were away, we went snorkelling in a cenote (underground cave) and squeezing into a wetsuit was a humbling as well as uncomfortable experience!

So that leaves me in the here and now - my back is still giving me problems, my butt problems seem to have abated.  I know I don't want to miss any more hockey and that the only way I can start to ensure my participation in the sport that I love is to lose some weight and get in better shape.  I've never been one for New Year's resolutions, but this New Year happens to coincide with a time in my life that I need to change things in order to continue a way of life that I enjoy.  I won't do any crazy faddish diets, I wise enough to know that the only long term solution is to eat a well balanced diet, smaller portion, cut down on the red meat (I was vegetarian for two years so I need to get back to those roots) and eat way more veggies.  It seems so simple when I'm writing it here, yet so difficult to follow in day to day life.  The next couple of weeks are going to be tough till the new habits are established.  I'm lucky in that my husband is joining me in this journey so we can support each other.  The family isn't keen on tofu yet, but maybe now that I have the time to research some interesting ways to prepare it, I may change their minds.

I belong to an incredible gym and need to utilize that on a daily basis.  John is now there every day and as soon as back is stable, I plan to join him.  We're incredibly lucky that we don't have regular 9 to 5 jobs and we can tailor our days to our workouts, though as my trainer once said, "80% a weight loss regimen is accomplished in the kitchen, only 20% is done in the gym."

Keep your fingers crossed that the back heals soon - now I'm off to go look up something yummy with tofu in it!

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