Monday, January 24, 2011

Weight Loss #3

Weight to Lose:  30 lbs

Weight Lost to Date:  5 lbs

Hmmmm, well the wieght is flying off, but it is coming off slowly.  I know, I know, it went on slowly, so it'll come off slowly.  Also since I'm not doing any crazy dieting, I'm not getting any crazy results.

Course if I lost 1 lb a week I could be 50 lbs lighter by Christmas 2011 : )

The working out is going really well!  I'm fairly proud of myself for getting to the gym almost every day last week.  The other day I was going up the stairs to the gym (the change room is downstairs) and I realized I was sort of running up the stairs!  Big change from the way I was orignally dragging myself up the stairs one step at a time in pain.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a long way from where I want to be, but I keep telling myself to take baby steps.

I played hockey with my co-ed team on Friday night.  I certainly didn't set the ice on fire (which I couldn't do when I was fully healthy either), but I lasted the whole game!  Again, baby steps.  Didn't play in my women's league on Sunday night, because I had touch of stomach flu, but I'm OK today, so it'll be off to the gym soon.

I feel less achy and have more energy - just gotta keep it up!

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