Tuesday, September 14, 2010

At Your Age?

The other day, I read in The Star that 30 is the new 20.  This was not a mathematical conundrum, the article was simply referring to age.  Since the average Canadian woman now lives to the age of 83, middle age can be seen as being attained by the age of 41.5

Middle age is what adults are.  Census Canada puts it between the ages of 35 & 54.  Social Scientist, Erik Erikson, is a little more generous putting it at between 40 & 65.

I still think of my mother as middle aged, though at the age of 79 she's firmly entrenched in the Senior Citizen realm. 

Right now I'm staring down my 48th birthday.  Even with my limited mathematical abilities, I can't deny that I'm middle aged.  Though if 30 is the new 20, then 40 is the new 30 and thus my age of 48 can simply be equated with being 38.  Therefore middle age is avoided, as long as I ignore Census Canada (and who doesn't do that?).  My mathematical algorithms have always been more conceptual than realistic (which easily explains my high school math marks).

At the age of 45 I decided to take up hockey.  Yes, the hockey one plays on ice, with hockey skates, lots of expensive equipment and a hockey stick that was initially employed as rudder/outrigger during my first few outings.

Some might see such an action as a classic mid life action (though I'm still maintaining I'm not middle aged).  Some might be right.

The response to such an undertaking by friends and family was varied to say the least.  Those that were older than me were encouraging, seeing it as a last kick at the can.  Those that were my age, saw it as a somewhat eccentric exercise regimen, usually they suggested sports that were less confrontational in nature such as sumo wrestling.  It was the younger people in my life who would respond to the knowledge of my taking up the sport with that special look that only a teenager possesses - you know, the one that embodies disdain, disbelief and disinterest.  The would look at me, taking in my my less than trim midriff and slightly ever spreading bottom and state "at your age?"

Probably one of the most challenging statement that can be to (almost) middle aged woman is "at your age?" It's like a the battle cry of all premenopausal woman everywhere.  Get out of my way I'm buying a hockey stick to beat your head, thus messing your Justin Bieber inspired hairdo!  (Premenopausal woman are little hormonal at times).

Yes, at my age, at the age of  45 I took up playing hockey.   I'm now about to turn 48 and I'm loving it.  This blog is about my adventures in hockey.  This blog is about me, the madwoman of hockey.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I've just "re-taken" up hockey after many, many years (just turned 40!). Can't wait to read more about your adventures! :)
